Thursday, May 23, 2013

Taking Some Photographs On The Beach

Wakefield, Massachusetts sits just west of the Broad Sound and some striking beaches on the Atlantic Ocean. Because of its proximity to the ocean, people who live in the area have become immersed in beach life and living in an area where they have accessibility to such a beautiful and recreational area. Taking photographs on the beach is a great opportunity to capture that wonderful beauty with a great backdrop, but there are always some things to consider when I photograph an individual, family or couple.

Sometimes, a beach photograph might seem like it’s the same shot over and over. However, each photograph is a new chance to find new beauty and art. When you go to the beach, every place you turn there is a photographic opportunity. Try to find a focal point and shoot from a point of interest.  When someone looks at a photo, they need something for the eye to focus on, whether it’s a pattern in the sand or a wave crashing on the rocks, so I try to find something to start with in order to create a great shot.

A sunset on the beach is one of the most beautiful scenes we can conjure up. Timing is important   Maybe there was stormy weather earlier in the day. Stormy seas can create a really great, dramatic looking shot, and there will be less people on the beach as a distraction. 
though. The start and the end of the days when the sun is rising or setting is a great time to get a photograph, but it’s a small window of opportunity. It’s also the times when people are on the beach the least. Sometimes, the best times to go to the beach are the times when people avoid it.

Location photography is a great way to gather unique shots and end up with something different.  Heading to a beach or an ocean is one of the most beautiful locations where we can find a spectacular shot.  

Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Impressions Of A Professional Headshot

Everyone wants to make a good first impression, especially in the business world. In some cases, the headshot is the first impression you can give to a prospective client, employer or colleague.  You have to make sure it’s a good one. If you’ve been in the situation where you need a headshot, but don’t have one, then getting a professional picture taken is a good idea. I’ve had clients who needed a headshot taken quickly and resorted to having someone they know take a quick photo.  They just needed something. Not soon after, they realized something more permanent and professional looking had to be done. 

A well-done, professional headshot says a lot about the person you are; approachable, friendly, confident, refined. You want to have any type of advantage before you even step in front of a person to speak.  If they have a good impression of you before meeting them, it only gives you more confidence and a leg up on the competition. 

There are many items to consider when you put together a headshot. Simple things are often overlooked when you don’t have a professional headshot.  The lighting, background setting and clothes need to be right and set, in order to have a professional looking shot. I’ll make sure it looks warm, inviting and of course well done.  For any type of public relations photo, giveme a call.  I’ll take the time to take a great, professional headshot you’ll be proud of.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Finding inspiration in Children’s Portraits

Portrait Photographer Wakefield MA
When people come to me to take their photos, they have a hard time finding a theme or idea.  They want something creative, unique and visual, but they also want it to be particular to them. It’s the most difficult part of a portrait session.  Once you do find that inspiration, the resulting work and art becomes a timeless piece you recognize and will always be proud of. Themed portraits are great, especially for younger children.  They can look back when they’ve grown up and remember the things they loved to do, wear and participate in. 

For children especially, photographing them requires a splash of creativity, a ton of patience and the flexibility to get the right shot. You can always try something else though.  One shot is not the only shot. Find something that inspires the kids. Let them have some input.  If they like the way the picture is going, chances are they’re more
Children's Portraits Wakefield MA
likely to be engaged in the shot and the result comes out the way you desire. Using their favorite colors, toys, clothes or items is a good idea to have them get into the spirit of the picture.

If you have multiple children in the shot, sibling interaction is a fun and candid way to get a great photo as well. You may have it all pre-panned and ready to go, but sometimes the most candid off moment shot comes out the best. Look for photo opportunities everywhere.  They always pop up where you least expect it.

Let your kid’s passion inspire the portraits.  They’ll have more fun being there, and so will you!